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David A. Tierney


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Prior to joining the Rawls Law Group, David was an attorney advisor for the Board of Veterans Appeals in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  Prior to becoming an attorney, David had a career as a theatre actor and director, but he also served for five years as an enlisted Marine and in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  Since his Marine Corps service, David has worked on behalf of veterans in a number of ways.  In 2006, he volunteered to participate in an Armed Forces Entertainment tour of a number of countries in the Middle East and Africa, including Iraq.  During law school, David helped the Los Angeles County Bar Association establish their Veterans Legal Service Project, and served as the Chair of the Veterans Legal Clinic and President of the Veterans Law Society, where he provided legal services to homeless veterans and helped create a Veterans Benefits course.


David currently volunteers with the disability Law Center of Virginia and goes trail-running and hiking as often as possible, and enjoys live theatre with his wife and son.

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